Pedro Nuno da Costa
2002-Mar-08 10:30 UTC
[Samba] Problem with Duplicate File Names in w95 clients
********************************************************************** Este email assim como os ficheiros que possa ter em anexo s?o confidenciais e para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou organiza??o para o qual foi enviado. Se recebeu este email por engano por favor notifique Esta nota confirma que esta mensagem foi verificada pelo MIMEsweeper n?o tendo sido encontrados virus. *********************************************************************** I have several samba servers in a NT Domain and when i need to copy files to all server i do mount sucefully with this command: smbmount //ntserver/actualiza$ /mnt/actualiza -o ro,username=Admin,password=password and i execute this one to copy the files, cp -apv /mnt/actualiza/. /home/ac/ >> /home/copias/actualiza.txt he copys all files but if the directories have different case (example source (AaA) destination (AAA) ) he creates a new folder and the clients with W95 only can access to one of them. The solution I nedd his to copy to same folder with no case sensitive like Source Aaa Destinations: AAA; Aaa; AaA; aaa Can i Do that with samba without create duplicated directories? Best regards Pedro Costa