Any help appreciated.
I am failing test 3 of the diags.
It says to check hosts allow, This one is commented out in smb.conf
It says to check hosts deny, There is no entry in my smb.conf
It says to check valid users, My valid users = %S in my smb.conf
It says to check my guest account, I am using the default nobody. (I am
confused by this option, I can't follow the
language in the documentation. Any help in interpretation appreciated)
"... or your guest account is not valid. Check what your guest account is
using "smbtestparm" and
temporarily remove any "hosts allow", "hosts deny",
"valid users" or "invalid users" lines. "
What does it mean to say "Check what your guest account is using
"smbtestparm"??? Is using for what?
Anyway, help appreciated in diagnosing prob. with test 3. My overall issue
is that I can't log into my
shares from my windows side, it asked for password and I get an invalid password
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