> Is it possible to have the users password on the Unix end to be
> different to that of the Windows client user.
> Example:
> I have a Windows 2000 user who logs onto his PC as "fredblogs"
with a
> password of "password1".
> On the Unix Samba end I have the user "fredblogs" setup with a
> of "password2".
> I am then unable to access the Unix server, if I reset the Unix users
> password to "password1" he is able to access the server, any
> would be great.
If the client uses encrypted passwords the samba password in
private/smbpasswd and the unix password in /etc/passwd(shadow) or NIS
can be different. If the client uses plain text passwords, to my
knowlage same old dos clients do even with "encrpyted passwords =
yes" in smb.conf, win95????, then you can not use different passwords.
> Regards
> Neil Newman
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