Hi, I am sure this is not going to do my reputation any good. I will be known as someone who just can't stop asking questions. Folks, I am guessing there are not too many Amiga people out there. Shame really. But anyway, in follow up to my problems about getting the two machines talking to one another: I kind of got the password thing resolved but it re-apperared. Then dis-appeared just as mysteriously as it re-appeared. So last thing was it was working after a slight hic-up. Today I am trying it again, and it doesn't work - again. Like before, it is asking for a password. I have also been told that the PeeCee called "586" is not a good idea. As that gets interpreted as an IP number. So the machine is now called "PC586". Alas, even so, when I try to connect to it from the Amiga, I get the same error - as I said in my earlier post. :-/ So really I am stuck at square ONE. I thought I had moved to TWO, but it seems there is great instability with how the Amiga and the PeeCee see each other from the PeeCee end of things when I am in the NN window of the PeeCee. I can attatch any files that are important, but for now, I don't want to swamp people like myself who are not having any luck getting theirs working with my problems and files. So if anyone is interested, I can send along any flies you want. Thanks! And Happy New Year! Cya! -- Left hand threaded. Andrew Bruno abruno@zeta.org.au