I know that I have had trouble trying to sort out browse
list problems and I see from the list that others seem to
have similar problems.
I wonder if a stand alone program that sits on the network,
and just prints out the browse list synchronizing stuff
would be useful.
I suspect that similar output could be gleaned from setting
the debug level in the nmb program and watching the log file.....
but it would be nice to have a separate program running, so I
could watch what was going on. Not necessarily as part of the
SAMBA server.
It would also be useful to watch machines join and leave workgroups
and/or domains.
Perhaps also.... keep track of name resolution, whether DNS etc etc.
And .. perhaps trivially .... decode the <1B> stuff into something
that does not require a mental lookup, for those of us that
don't work the stuff all of the time :-)
Sort of like a packet tracer for Windows specific traffic.
PDG Technical Services Pty Ltd
ABN 25077936933
Peter de Groot P.O. Box 10349
08) 90916817 Kalgoorlie 6430
pdgtech@kalnet.com.au Western Australia