I' m running samba2.03 on Linux kernel 2.0x. Last time I recognized that some folder and files seemed to be dated with a wrong timestamp. I point it out for a folder called pictures The listing with ftp with Windows MS Internet Explorer 5.0: 13 14:28 picture File Folder 01.01.80 12:00 An the other side (Linux): drwxrwx--- 13 owner public 1024 Dez 13 14:28 pictures/ I've read a lot about timestamps and so on, but I do not know which application has corrupted my timestamps. It seems to be a bug of samba ? (because under linux the listing is ok.) When I look at the same folder with the Windows Explorer the properties show: monday, 13. dez 1999 14:28:25 (german time specification), it seems to be ok, too? I' m really confused where is the mistake and I wan't to know how I can correct the timestamps that the files and folders are listed correctly in every application (some ftp clients have the same problem as the ftp of IExplorer!) "touch" of files/folders didn't help. And the second question is which application is corrupting these files (smbclient, I'm using it very few)? Can somebody help me? Is and Update to samba 2.0.6 solving this problem (I've seen there was done some correction with timestamps, or have I to use the patch from Paul Eggert?) Greetings Ralf