Hmmm. This does sound odd... A couple of things I can think of off the top of my head would be: - Make sure you are using the "interfaces" option in the [global] section of your smb.conf file. This will force Samba to broadcast share info on the given interface. By default, Samba latches onto the first interface it finds (on my machine, this is usually my modem connection to the Internet, not my ethernet card to the rest of my network). If this is the case, you won't see the shares in Network Neighborhood, but you can still map drives by typing in the \\servername\share address. - Try setting the following options in [global]: os level=36 preferred master=Yes local master=Yes This will force Samba to become the browse master for your workgroup (by default Samba lets one of your Win98 machines be the browse master). If this doesn't help, maybe someone else who has had similar problems will jump in... --Dan ** The thing I like most about Windows 98 is... ** You can download FreeBSD with it! -----Original Message----- From: Nikolaj Farrell <> To: Multiple recipients of list SAMBA <> Date: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 4:33 PM Subject: Constantly have to restart samba Hi! My problem is this; I have a small LAN with two neighbors. My Linux SuSE 6.1 samba 2.0.3-13 and two win98's. After getting help from this mailing list everything works (at last) thank you! However I have to restart samba about twice a day. For this I use the command /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart. This is quite irritating. If I don't do this my share "dissapears" from the Network Neighbourhood of the win98's from time to time. Anyone recognize the problem and possibly know the solution? Thank you /Nikolaj