1998-Jun-18 09:00 UTC
smbmount from linux to Win95 gives IO error
HI SAMBA users. I have a Linux 5.0 with samba-1_9_18p8-50_1_i386. When I use smbmount to mount an NT service there are no problems, but the same operation on a Win95 gives an I/O error. I use the following mountcommmand: [root@lxcs1 /tmp]# smbmount //sv1a/a /mnt -U addcomp -D DIESEL -P 12345678 I then do a cp to /mnt: [root@lxcs1 /tmp]# cp Filesize.doc /mnt cp: /mnt/Filesize.doc: I/O error If i then open the doc on my PC there are no errors, but I do not like linux to tell me that there is an I/O error Anyone have a clue? Best regards Thomas Hansen Always reply to