I've been having some success running a Win/Delphi IDE called wxDev-C++ from
within Wine on Ubuntu (latest updates according to the package manager).
Although things work smoothly calling the MinGW make and gcc compiler tools from
Wine, I have been trying to have wxDev-C++ call the native Linux gcc/make to
build programs. So it's a Windows-compiled IDE running in Wine/Ubuntu
calling the native Linux compiler tools.
Long story short: things work great unless there is a compiler error. When that
happens, the Linux make doesn't seem to be passing the compiler error
messages back to the wxDev-C++ IDE.
I've looked at the Delphi source code and it uses the standard WinAPI
CreateProcess STARTF_USESTDHANDLES method to spawn a thread for the Linux make
script. I don't see anything wrong with the CreateProcess thread source code
(and it works in Windows just fine). However, this task is starting to get above
my pay-grade and it'd be nice if someone could help suggest ways for me to
track down the bug. I can't confirm it is strictly a bug in Wine, but I have
my suspicions that STDERR messages are not being redirected between the Linux
GNU make thread and the wxDev-C++ Wine process.
If anyone has any ideas, I'd really appreciate the brainstorming.