Hey. It might be possible, that this problem has already been discussed on this forum, but I'll take a risk, and throw a question concerning DGA || XFree86 Wine driver. .. My machine is running on Debian, kernel Linux 2.4.0, Athlon 1,2 GHz. What might prove to be useful in my problem is that I'm using TNT2, NViDiA video card [Drivers version is 4191 - AGP 4x working properly] . But let's get to the topic. First of all, I'd like to ask, whether it is normal that , while DGA support is enabled in ~/.wine/config, keyboard and mouse input doesn't work ? I've tried running Starcraft, Little Big Adventure 2, and Red Alert demo, and none of these apps reacted to the input. All I could do was rebotting, as the ctrl+alt+f7 combination didn't work at all :( The second thing I tried was, of course, disabling the option preventing me from playing those games.. And another disappointment. All games worked properly, but screen was getting refreshed SLOWLY. actually it was around 4, or 5 fps :( It made the gaming completely unplayable, and I was wondering whether there was an option to boost it. I launched X with --depth 16 parameter, and - yes - it worked way much faster, but - still - starcraft was way too much slow for me to play it. So I decreased the depth even more, to depressive 8 bits. Now Starcraft's working with speed I actually wanted to see, but.. the palette is all messed up :/ It looks as if there was an approximate of 240-245 colours changed by app, instead of 255.. My question is: has anybody managed to launch the game with all its features working properly ? Thanks for answering, I'm dying to play those games :( -- KBi/Mfl+TML+VBS [.That trusted friend of yours.] ...... ...... ...... [.PGP used in case of uknowwhat] Poczytaj mi, Mamo. [. Enuff. ] -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.3ia mQCNAz5PVD8AAAEEAL7Ddabc9oMi8pMIuBcimoNswYthSQoFzpNTGfvjRwuSreKA S35V4RXVSSNAUFuePDVChX5CwkQbTN+OWq/VUqZNUgWqUYjhwkVUBwuK6CAAUCnf HlZNGrAIMjauRzte6syPD7zBnqBXfwJVP838NC2M4b/tIJ5il5R2xw5KlClBAAUR sAGHtB5Eb21pbmlrIFdpdGN6YWsgPGtiaUBibG9vZC5wbD6wAQOJAJUDBRA+T1Q/ lHbHDkqUKUEBAds8A/9vLuV/f13LXWmOkqfZmtghM7iY0bRYbDzYAINcUxfEJoAO 5kcsZ7utMaf8nGzBYbqwsB82DSp7WRoxRU6vLwx5FC5NsdfkX5Bb7AvcEb4EHKTI tWi+L6ipLaNIrBquhuxPXIsUxbnSsnTBSD2WPisTpbUWZrjVcH3jlhXv54gt0bAB xw==b9jc -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----