Afaik there are several people using Juno under wine. Probably the one
that you want to talk to is Lawson Whitney, he posts on cemw regularly
and you can probably post here with Juno in your subject line and see if
he will offer up some assistance.
On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, User wrote:
> I have a windows application that I need to have access to (so that I
> can keep my wife happy with using linux)... I have tried the downloaded
> version of Wine, and also recently loaded the CodeWeaver's Wine. I
> some of the features with the CodeWeaver's version (it included the
> setup util)...
> However, I can't seem to get the windows application to run. It
> launches a Dr. Watson error.
> I am using SuSE7.2 pro, Windows2K, and the particular windows app is
> Juno, a free e-mail client.
> I am a newbie that just installed linux (for the 900th time) last week.
> My question is, is there a means of requesting help with this app, or
> should I redo the windows 2K in 98?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks.