On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 5:29 AM, Robert Jobbagy
<jobbagy.robert at gmail.com> wrote:>
> 2010/4/29 Arjen de Korte <nut+devel at de-korte.org>
>> PS And do *not* top post.
> What is it ? I don't understand it , sorry.
Let's say you send an email to the list, and I can't read it until
after several other replies have gone out to the list. If you post new
information at the top of the email, you are asking me to jump around
and re-order all of the replies so that they make sense. I am more
likely to skip that email thread and move on to the next one.
The Gmail web interface does a decent job of trying to hide the quoted
text, but not everyone is reading their gmail.com email through the
web interface. Also, after several replies, the accumulated quoted
text gets distracting and irrelevant, especially for people trying to
search the archives.
The "Blackberry argument" in the Wikipedia article on posting
styles[*] really doesn't apply here - if an email client is so
constrained as to not show you the full text of a message, it probably
won't be able to display a log file either. Put another way, would you
want the NUT drivers to be written with the same level of care as is
evident in most emails sent from a PDA?
[*] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_posting#Top-posting
In lieu of a more official netiquette guide for the NUT lists:
* Trim excess quoted text
* Insert your reply in between relevant quoted text, or delete
everything and add your own context
* Make sure you mention which UPS(es) and/or OS you are referring to
- especially if your email client hides the subject line, like
Gmail's web interface
- and especially if you have more than one UPS or OS at your site
- Charles Lepple