Hello to all,
I have a Tripplite SMART1500RMXL2U and nut-2.4.3 running on CentOS 5.5. To test
the shutdown, I issued the command upsmon -c fsd but it was unable to turn off
the ups. I got the following message:
libusb_get_interrupt() returned 0 instead of 8 while sending 3a 47 b8 0d 00 00
00'. G......' (repeated many times)
Could not turn off UPS (is it still on battery?)
At this point, I had to do a hard reset to restart the server.
Is there any way to get around this? What should I add after the upsdrvctl
shutdown in the halt script if it can't shutdown the ups (reboot like it
says in the docs)?
Thank you,