To help the bug list out I'm about to update wine from *20050830 <> to **20050930 <> . My concerns here is that I do this correctly to ensure I get a helpful result, but : 1. I have BricsCAD for Linux installed and know that if I go for a clean install ( rpm -e wine then rpm -ivh wine~ ) this program gets uninstalled along the way and I lose all my user preferences - real bummer. ( I can not as yet track down what the preferences config file is nor whether or not overwriting the new installation with it will work.) 2. I also have CrossOver standard 4.2 installed which enabled me to install ( amongst others ) a program called PlanBee. ( PlanBee is the subject of the bug I've had with wine directly so not of major concern 'cause I will need to uninstall - reinstall PlanBee anyway to test for the bug.) Q. I take it that I will lose all associations with these secondary installations by going for the clean installation so ask if there is a compatable alternative that will still ensure I get helpful info for the bug list ? * -- Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always! Regards SnapafunFrank Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve. Registered Linux User # 324213 [ ]