I just released the new version WineTools 0.9 III. There have been
bugfixes in the installation routines of RPM and tar.gz versions.
wt0.9jo-III 13.12.2005 error corrections in install-files
no confusing info screens with debian wine
waitforwineexit() i18n-able
all references to $HOME/.wine replaced with
alphabetical sorting in software lists
backup and restore go to ~/winetools instead of
~/ now
adapted for versions 0.9.0 - 0.9-3
some i18n updated
spec files updated and corrected
as debian does not have wineserver in the path a
variable WINESERVER was added
new software:
- MDAC and Jet Spanish
- IE6 in Chinese, Chinese (tw),
Japanese, Korean, Norwegian and Spanish
- Windows Script 5.6 Italian
- Acrobat Reader Italian and Spanish
- Picasa2
- Noise Ninja 2
updated software:
- GoogleEarth download size
- Elster download size
- MDAC Italian now really Italian
- RealPlayer10 link and size
WineTools is a menu driven installer for installing about 90 Windows
programs under the x86 (Athlon or Intel PC) processor architecture with
the Linux operating system using Wine. This software lets you install
the following Windows software:
* DCOM98
* IE6
* Windows Core Fonts
* Windows System Software
* Office & Office Viewer
* Adobe Photoshop 7, Illustrator 9
* many other programs
It also sets up your .wine directory in the correct way, downloads the
files to install from the web (only the free and shareware ones for
sure), installs Windows fonts and lets you uninstall and configure your
WineTools was initially written by Frank Hendriksen
<frank@franksworld.net> and was extended by me (Joachim von Thadden
<thadden@web.de>) and Sven Paschukat <Sven.Paschukat@t-online.de>.
It is
licensed under the GPL.
You can download WineTools at the well known location:
Joachim von Thadden
"Never touch a running system! Never run a touching system?
Never run a touchy system!!!"