I am new user on asterisk (for that matter linux) and i have lot of embedded
programming experience. We have a new project from our client, to design a
box that takes the telelphone line as input and route the line to the
respective user with different ring tones. The box should be programmed by
the users with buttons.
1. I should be able to store some .wav files for different ringtones and for
2. Should be programmable by user.
1. Need to know the cpu that can support asterisk for this type of
2 What else do we need on the box to support the application
3 Any pointers related to this would be really appreciated.
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Steve Totaro <
stotaro at totarotechnologies.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 5:53 PM, Steve Totaro <
> stotaro at totarotechnologies.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 5:22 PM, Kevin DeGraaf <kevin at
>>> I need to monitor the states of my T1/PRI Zap channels.
Specifically, I
>>> need to be able to programmatically determine whether a channel is
>>> unused, carrying an inbound call, or carrying an outbound call.
>>> Using the manager interface, I can easily tell whether a Zap
channel is
>>> used or not by looking at the results of:
>>> Action: Command
>>> Command: zap show channel <x>
>>> Or:
>>> Action: Status
>>> However, nothing in those results seems to reliably indicate
whether the
>>> channel received an incoming call or was used to make an outgoing
>>> I can make educated guesses based on the value of "Caller
ID" or
>>> "Calling TON" or the combination of "Channel"
and "Link", but none of
>>> these heuristics seem robust.
>>> I've even tried GetVar-ing various channel functions, to no
>>> This seems like a case where a simple flag should be set somewhere,
>>> I haven't found one. What's the most elegant way to do
this? Thanks.
>>> --
>>> Kevin DeGraaf
>>> AsterCRM looks like it might fit the bill.
>> It gets all data from AMI and runs as a daemon that populates a DB.
>> It's beta, site claims 5 calls for free but I am not sure for beta
>> software, I would not pay for Beta software, never used it but it is
>> .09Beta July 26th 2008
>> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=202441
>> http://astercrm.blog.com/
>> Interesting anyways, seems the concept/code would be easy to reproduce
>> pricing is an issue.
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Steve Totaro
>> +18887771888 (Toll Free)
>> +12409381212 (Cell)
>> +12024369784 (Skype)
> Correction, daemon appears to be called astercc.
> --
> Thanks,
> Steve Totaro
> +18887771888 (Toll Free)
> +12409381212 (Cell)
> +12024369784 (Skype)
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