Hi, i want to to this thing with php AGI: #!/usr/local/bin/php -q <?php set_time_limit(30); require('phpagi.php'); error_reporting(E_ALL); $agi = new AGI(); $agi->answer(); $cid = $agi->parse_callerid(); $agi->text2wav("Hello, {$cid['name']}."); $agi->text2wav('Enter some numbers and then press the pound key. Press 1 1 1 followed by the pound key to quit.'); $result = $agi->get_data('beep', 3000, 20); $keys = $result['result']; $agi->text2wav('You will b transfered to $keys'); //transfer to $keys ?> Ok, how can i do the transfer from the caller to $keys ? Thanks