On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 14:27:11 +0200, Altus Snyman <altus@stormcorp.co.za>
wrote:> Good day all
> Is there any time of VOIP/SIP/asterisk qualifications or certificates?
Yes there is. To save some time I'm going to cut/paste what I wrote
on my website about the course:
"In January of 2005, I had the priviledge of attending and
participating in the very first Digium Certified Asterisk Professional
(dCAP) training by Steven M. Sokol and Olle E. Johansson of Astricon
conference fame. The class was a great success, and though I consider
myself proficient with Asterisk, I learned quite a lot and also
refined my existing skill set. For any person new to Asterisk who
needs a fast paced introduction to the system, or those without weeks
of spare time to learn the system on their own through the VoIP-Info
Wiki or the Asterisk Documentation Project websites, I would highly
recommend this course. The amount of new documentation, fundamental
concepts and hands on labs featured in the course are well worth the
cost and time."
It certainly is impossible to learn Asterisk in a week, and that is
not what this course promises. What you will learn is many of the
fundamentals with lots of hands on practical experience in classroom
labs with equipment which you may not be able to afford simply to
"play with". You will come away with a large amount of new
documentation, the knowledge and skills to go home and start working
with Asterisk. It certainly will give you a foundation of knowledge
which would you would be hard pressed (if not impossible) to learn in
5 days the "traditional" (Google) way.
More information and online registration for the courses are available
at http://www.astricon.net/training/
While you can take the course and write the test in the same week, my
recommendation for those new to Asterisk is to take the course and
spend 2-3 months working with Asterisk to get comfortable before
taking the test. The exam is made up of both a multiple choice written
test and a practical in class lab.
Hope that helps,
Leif Madsen.