----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Phillips" <kc2eni@nyc-ares.org>
> I'm trying to get DIAX to work as an IAX soft phone and I'm having
> issues.
> Outbound calls from the phone to the rest of the world are fine. It's
> just that I can't get the inbound to work.
> I have a stanza in my extensions.conf that reads;
> exten=>_3410,1,Dial(IAX2/3444@default|20)
> And a stanza in my iax.conf that reads
> [3444]
> type=friend
> context=default
> host=dynamic
> user=3444
> secret=3444
> auth=md5
> disallow=all
> allow=gsm
> dtmfmode=rfc2833
> qualify=yes
> Like I say, outbound is fine but no inbound.
> Any help would be greatly ...
Please tell me the DIAX version you want to use, the operating system and
service pack level.
What do you mean by "just that I can't get the inbound to work"?
The phone rings but you cannot answer or it does not ring?
Send the info directly to me, not to the entire list in order to help you
solve this issue.
Thank you for your interest in DIAX and best regards,