I have Asterisk RC2 setup here with a Fritz ISDN card on Debian Woody. I'm using chan_capi-0.3.5 and fcpci-suse8.2-03.11.02. Settings are pretty much the default, except in order to get the fcpci module to compile, I had to follow the instructions here: http://www.voip-info.org/tiki-index.php?page=Asterisk%20AVM%20Fritz%20CAPI%20Driver%20Install but the drivers would only compile if I left the CCFLAGS as they were. Now I've been able to successfully call Asterisk from a POTS phone. We have a block of 10 numbers that are on the ISDN line. Once I call one of those numbers, no more calls will go through after that. I have to restart Asterisk in order for it to answer another call. Has anyone seen this behaviour before? It's certainly not ideal ;) Thanks -- James Doherty Zeald.com Network Operations Ph: +64 9 415 7575, Fax: +64 9 443 9794 Web: http://www.zeald.com