At 15:06 22-9-2003 -0700, you wrote:>Does anybody have a reasonable solution for an Outlook MAPI plugin that
>works with asterisk? At very least, I would like Asterisk to push incoming
>call information to the computer, which should then open an Outlook form,
>launch a web browser, etc. Beyond that, it would be cool to have Outlook
>initiate outgoing calls.
>Shouldn't be too difficult, and I know some of you are working along
>similar lines. Outlook itself is only an example. What I'm looking for
>a simple "incoming call, launch a browser with the callerid in the
>string" type app for windows.
Actually I seem to remember there is a MAPI plugin for the Pingtel
softclient that does a number of these things. However, it seems pretty
strict toward number formatting etc. (for recognition)
I suppose one could also make one for the IAX clients ?