Openssh team;
It has come to my attention that the information at:
does not include any security issues for openssh beyond 3.7. While I do
appreciate that the the security information is highlighted at release
publication, eg:
many folks are going to go to the main site, see the "security"
follow it; and not realize this page has not been kept up to date. I
strongly encourage that either the security page be updated to reflect the
security issues; or it be updated to reflect this:
For openssh releases after 3.7, please subscribe to: openssh-unix-announce
which will highlight security fixes contained in the release.
If you would like to have the html needed to highlight all security
advisory items indicated in the various "openssh-unix-announce" notes,
would be happy to send the HTML to you if provided a point to place the
document or email to send it to. The HTML I would provide includes a
bullet for each security item and for security items corrected since 3.7, a
link to the annonuce note, and a link to the corresponding CVE for those
newer items.
Thanks -