Hello Just want to say thank you :) and ask you a question... Yesterday I upgradet to the newest release. I had openssh compiled at path /usr/local/openssh.x.x and simply "make clean" and "make distclean" from the dir. I allso rm'd all the ssh* files from the /usr/local/etc/ dir. Hostfiles etc. etc.. Then i rm -rf'd the earlyer release. untared the new one in the same /usr/local and ran the commands: "LIBS=-lcrypt ./configure" "make" "make install" then i started the new one with "sshd" Now the real question comes... What did I do wrong? After sending the sshd some amounts of bytes over ex. putty or secure crt i get disconnected. When ssh2'ing in i get to send 187 bytes every time. No more, no less. I did not have this problem before "upgrading" . My OS is Slackware 7.1 and running kernel 2.2.18. Help! I dont want to use telnet anymore! :) I'm really looking forward for an answer, and hope you know whats wrong. regards, Aleksander Olsen cereal at enitel.no