I'll start off by saying that I'm very new to com32, but I'm having
difficulty linking the libcom32.a library into an executable. I'm using
syslinux-3.11, I copied the libcom32.a library into my directory and here's
the output of my attmept:
#ld com32io.o dtimenu.o syslnx.o tui.o --library-path=./ -lcom32
.//libcom32.a(entry.o)(.init+0x42): In function `_start':
sys/entry.S:68: undefined reference to `__ctors_start'
.//libcom32.a(entry.o)(.init+0x48):sys/entry.S:70: undefined reference to
.//libcom32.a(exit.o)(.text+0x2): In function `_exit':
sys/exit.S:14: undefined reference to `__dtors_start'
.//libcom32.a(exit.o)(.text+0x8):sys/exit.S:16: undefined reference to
I'm sorry if this is extremely newbie, but I could really use some help.
Hunter Cobbs