On the pxelinux web page here:
Mr. Anvin says the following:
" PXELINUX does not support MTFTP, and I have no immediate plans of
doing so. It is of course possible to use MTFTP for the initial boot, if
you have such a setup. MTFTP server setup is beyond the scope of this
document. "
I am curious as to the possibility of 'mtftp for the initial boot',
which I assume to mean that you could use a different tftp server /
daemon to grab the kernel & subsequent data off of. Is this possible?
If so, how would I configure it to make it work? This would really make
my life easier.
This is important to me because I am not easily able to control which
tftp server the DHCP server points to. I could, however, setup my own
tftp server (for example, tftpd-hpa) on a different machine that would
be right. I have gotten my machine (Dell PowerApp Web100) to grab
pxelinux off the network, and then pxelinux complains about not having
tsize, which makes me think that the tftp server that dhcp is pointing
to sucks.
Any suggestions / help appreciated.
Erik @ columbia.edu