On Fri, Apr 25, 2003 at 01:01:41PM +0200, SAGA Serge (Neuilly Gestion)
wrote:> Hi,
> i use the knoppix cdrom
> i would like to be able to start knoppix from ms-dos with a program like
> "loadlin"
> i think it's possible to do it from the files :
> vmlinux ( kernel 2.4.X )
> boot.img ( ~1.44Mo) and KNOPPIX ( ~695Mo)
> can yu help !?
Sorry, I don't know anything about DOS/Windows. I would guess that
it is possible somehow, yes. People tols me that Knoppix runs fine
in vmware under Windows.
-Klaus Knopper
Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Knopper Dansenberger Stra?e 44
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