Hey theora people, I would like to announce the call for paper for the LinuxTag 2010. This year, video got it's own track ( 2x3 hours! ). I would love to have some theora specific presentations on the LinuxTag. So please send your paper abstract and/or join us in june in Berlin! -Yorn (Member of the LinuxTag Program Comittee) --- Here is the official announcement with detailed information --- Dear former speakers, partners, and friends of LinuxTag, we'd like to let you know that there is two weeks left of this year's LinuxTag Call for Papers. The event takes place in Berlin, Germany from June 9 - 12. We proposed a list of 23 topics or tracks, but any other suggestions are also welcome. Please see the CfP for details: linuxtag.org/2010/en/program/call-for-papers.html Deadline: Friday, January 29, 2010 Please feel free to forward this invitation to friends, peers, and collegues. We apologize, if we sent you this information more than once. We'd really appreciate to receive a short abstract from you. Regards, Nils Magnus on behalf of the Program Comittee [English: See above] Lieber ehemalige Sprecher, Partner und Freunde des LinuxTag, wir m?chten Euch dar?ber informieren, dass der Call for Papers f?r den diesj?hrigen LinuxTag noch knapp zwei Wochen l?uft. Wir planen die Veranstaltung in Berlin f?r den 9. bis zum 12. Juni diesen Jahres. Erstmals haben wir eine Liste von 23 Themen f?r Tracks vorgeschlagen, nehmen aber nat?rlich auch Vorschl?ge dar?ber hinaus an. Detail gibt's unter: linuxtag.org/2010/de/program/call-for-papers.html Deadline: Freitag, 29. January 2010 Bitte leitet den CfP auch an interessierte Freunde und Kollegen weiter und entschuldigt, wenn ihr ihn mehrfach auf untershciedlichen Ka?len bekommt. Wir w?rden uns freuen, von Euch zu h?ren. Viele Gr??e vom Programmkomitee