redseb wrote:> Hello,
> First of all, thank you for your great work !!
> There are my (stupid ?) questions :
> Why loading (kernel and initrd) is so slow ? Is it a limitation beacuse
> using BIOS's calls ?
> What can I do to accelerate that ? (if possible of course ...)
> Once again, thank you very much for your absoluty amazing isolinux !
"Why loading kernel and initrd is so slow"... on all systems I have
tried, ISOLINUX is fast enough that I don't have time to count the dots
as it prints them out. The CD-ROM BIOS calls do *not* suffer from a lot
of the same braindamage that the floppy BIOS does, unfortunately it is
frequently implemented extremely poorly. I would guess your system
falls in that category. I don't see a way around it, at least not
without knowing in detail the exact pathology of your system...