By default, Redhat CD's are bootable, so you shouldn't need to make them
bootable. What exactly are you trying to do?
Wernher Eksteen wrote:> Dear Peter,
> I wonder if you can help me.
> I am trying to created a bootable cd that will begin
> a linux redhat installation. I did use the isolinux method
> and without success yet. Maybe I'm just doing something
> wrong, but have no idea where to begin troubleshooting.
> I did copy the entire RedHat, images and dosutils
> to the cd and booted with isoliux.
> I specify in the following command in the isolinux.cfg file:
> kernel vmlinuz
> append initrd=boot.img ( or initrd.img)
> It does boot, but it can't seem to locate the files from the
> cd, it sais unable to locate and mount hdc (cdrom).
> What am I doing wrong, please help.
> Kind regards.
> Wernher Eksteen.