similar to: can't locate files from cd ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "can't locate files from cd ?"

2017 Jan 30
Fwd: Can somebody explain the file ownership of a
Hi All, We're implementing a fully integrated Samba setup with the Active directory on IBM AIX. From AIX level we have established the single sign on against Windows AD 2012R2. Currently the following user accounts and groups exists on the AD domain. # cat /etc/samba/smb.conf [global] security = ADS workgroup = PAPERCLIP realm = PAPERCLIP.SC.NZ
2017 Dec 22
Boot into dos
Hi. I have some small utilities that is running in dos mode. How can I boot into dos with different kinds of dos command with PXELinux? My menu is working fine, but I'm not sure what I should add to run into dos. My looks like this: # Menu Start MENU TITLE Fixes Menu LABEL MainMenu MENU LABEL ^Return to Main Menu MENU GOTO .top LABEL dosutils MENU LABEL ^File
2003 Jul 23
isolinux problem report
I have tried to use isolinux 2.05, and I am running into a problem where it will not boot. I have previously used version 1.66, and the older version works just fine. Changing nothing except dropping the new version in does not work. Below is all of the relevant info, I believe. This occurs on multiple machines with different BIOS. I am currently in process of doing a binary search to find the
2007 Aug 07
Job postings are officially OK
Hi all, I just wanted to follow up on Digant''s job posting. We''re still a pretty small community, and one of the big things that defines us as a community is that we''re all pretty consistently committed to this idea of using tools to make our lives easier. I think it makes a lot of sense to attempt to look for both jobs and employees within the community, as
2007 Jan 05
New Feature: External node sources
Hi all, As requested by at least one person (and because I''d been thinking about it and figured it would be a good idea), I''ve just made it simple to use external node sources with Puppet. If you set ''external_nodes'' to a command (the default is ''none''), then Puppet will call that command and use it to configure nodes. The output of
2008 May 30
1 ... : No such file or directory
Hi, I tried to install a few packages and got hung up when Matrix couldn't be lazy loaded. The actual error follows: > library(Matrix) Loading required package: lattice Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : unable to load shared library '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/Matrix/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or
2002 Apr 20
Can I do this ?
Dear Sir, I am trying to create a multiboot cd that will supposr the following: 1. Linux RedHat 7.2 2. Windows 2000 Professional 3. Windows 2000 Server 4. Windows 2000 Advanced Server I get it right, but to have the Linux image on the same cd and to boot from it is a problem. Here's what I did: First I created a bootable cd with the windows images and used the El-Torito standard based
2007 Dec 05
warning with install.packages()
Hi, I'm running R 2.5.1 on Debian Lenny. I'm the only user on a laptop, so I gave myself permission to write to /usr/local/lib/R/site-library. I can install packages without trouble using install.packages(), but I get the following warning: Warning message: cannot create HTML package index in: tools:::unix.packages.html(.Library) Is this something I should be concerned about? On a
2007 Oct 30
puppet.conf sections
I''m a little confused by the configuration reference. Is the following configuration supposed to work in 0.23.2? # $Id$ 2 3 [main] 4 confdir = <%= confdir %> 5 vardir = <%= vardir %> 6 7 rundir = /var/run 8 logdir = /var/log 9 10 ssldir = $vardir/ssl 11 12 [puppetmasterd] 13 manifestdir = $vardir/manifests 14
2007 Apr 27
Unsynchronized object state detection
Is there a way to specify on a per-object basis that Puppet should merely report that an object needs to be updated without actually performing the update? This would make it possible to detect changes to critical objects (e.g. config files) that Puppet shouldn''t try to fix automaticaly. -- Jos Backus jos at
2007 Mar 01
Modules redux
I updated to reflect how I intend to implement modules, and what that will look like from a user''s point of view. Comments/flames etc. welcome. David
2007 Apr 20
passwords only on client nodes
I''d like to generate config files containing passwords. One (obvious) way to do this would be: $password = ''big_secret'' file { ''/the/config.file'': content => template(''config.file.erb''); } # config.file.erb has a `password = <%= password %>` line The problem with this is, that I''d have to
2007 Dec 26
fileserver RE bug in 0.24.1
I tried to open a Trac ticket on this, but the menus are not working for some reason right now. I''ve noticed this in our puppetmasterd logs since upgrading: puppetmasterd[7943]: Could not call: nested *?+ in regexp: /^\/var\/www\/html\/download\/ Seems like the data passed should have RE characters quoted (ala \Q...\E in Perl) prior to this test. Regards, Mark
2003 Jul 03
Is Vorbis prone to clipping?
Hi, with the Lame MP3 encoder I reduce the amplitude of the input signal prior to encoding with the --scale option to prevent clipping that can be introduced due to resampling errors. Is Vorbis prone to this sort of clipping? <p>Headless --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a
2003 Jan 19
Vorbis on Legacy hardware
I'm currently in the process of making a linux distro made specifically to run on legacy hardware. My test system is a compaq 486/33. I was wondering if anyone has tried playing ogg vorbis on a system this old. Does it play without skipping or anything? If so, are there any really small and efficient media players that would run on this kind of hardware? If that doesn't work I
2017 Dec 22
Boot into dos
> How can I boot into dos with different kinds of dos command with PXELinux? > > My menu is working fine, but I'm not sure what I should add to run into dos. > > My looks like this: > > > # Menu Start > MENU TITLE Fixes Menu > > LABEL MainMenu > MENU LABEL ^Return to Main Menu > MENU GOTO .top > > LABEL dosutils >
2017 Dec 22
Boot into dos
Do you have an example on how I use this? My goal is to boot into DOS so I have access to my dos apps Den 22. dec. 2017 kl. 14.24 skrev Ady Ady via Syslinux <syslinux at>: >> How can I boot into dos with different kinds of dos command with PXELinux? >> >> My menu is working fine, but I'm not sure what I should add to run into dos. >> >> My
2007 Mar 01
Local puppet
I''m trying to scale up Puppet and am wondering if I can use Puppet in an odd way. I''m looking to use Puppet as an authoritative source for all the configuration done to a cluster. That includes fstab''s, modprobe.conf, etc. This reduces duplication. I''m using SystemImager on a cluster and would like to run Puppet during the install, so when the node reboots, it
2008 Jul 01
chicken/egg problem with custom types
Hi while usings DavidS mysql module with its custom mysql types I hit some kind of a chicken/egg problem: While deploying mysql, I also like to define some mysql munin user, to enable munin monitoring for mysql things. I choosed to use the mysql_user type from DavidS and it works perfectly. However I start using the custom types on a host where mysql have already been installed. Now I should
2007 Aug 08
Modules, modules, everywhere
Hello folks, At Stanford, we use modules to define every possible service, package, feature in the traditional sense (apache, ntp, iptables, etc). Then, for clients (such as other departments) and "services" (such as our mailman infrastructure, our ldap infrastructure, etc), we use manifests in /master/manifests and distributable files in /dist/ and templates in /master/templates.