Hi Andrew,
El Wed, 16 Feb 2011 10:42:26 +0000
Andrew wrote:> Hi,
> I've been involved in developing a fairly complex site at
> tilt.ft.com recently, and have acquired an unhealthy interest
> in faceting. I couldn't find any good non-academic guides to
> faceting strategy on the web, so I thought I'd have a stab at writing
> one.
> I'm not completely happy with it, but it's been sitting in my
> for long enough that I thought it worth at least putting it out there
> and seeing if anyone wants to give any feedback on it.
> Any suggestions for improvements/corrections very gratefully received.
I am fairly new to the facets idea, but I am pretty interested in the
technical details you use for each type of facet, because I am trying
to implement[1] some facets on the drupal module[2] for xapian, that
use the php binding.
1: drupal.org/node/1042688
2: drupal.org/project/xapian
It would be great to know about it. Maybe the list is not the right
place, but I would really appreciate if you can suggest me some ideas,
maybe a blog post, a pastebin or feel free to comment on the original
issue ad drupal.org.
> Cheers,
> Andrew
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Marco Villegas
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