Hi all, I am trying to pickup lattice graphics in R and having difficulty with simple layout of plots. I have created a series of levelplots and would like to plot them to a single device, but need to reduce the margin areas. This is easily accomplished with par(oma) and par(mar) in the base graphics package but I am having problems finding the equivalent features in the lattice package. Ideally, I would like to reduce the amount of white space among plots in the following example. Thanks in advance. library(lattice) p1 <- levelplot( matrix(c(1:25),nr=5,nc=5),row.values=1:5,column.values=1:5) p2 <- levelplot(matrix (rnorm(25),nr=5,nc=5),row.values=1:5,column.values=1:5) p3 <- levelplot( matrix(c(1:25),nr=5,nc=5),row.values=1:5,column.values=1:5) p4 <- levelplot(matrix (rnorm(25),nr=5,nc=5),row.values=1:5,column.values=1:5) print(p1,split=c(1,1,2,2),more=T) print(p2,split=c(2,1,2,2),more=T) print(p3,split=c(1,2,2,2),more=T) print(p4,split=c(2,2,2,2)) Best Jonathan [[alternative HTML version deleted]]