Today ZFS proved its mettle at our site. We''ve a set of Sun servers (25k and 2900s) that are all connected to a DMX3500 via a SAN. Different servers use the storage differently; some of the storage on the server side was configured with ZFS while others were configured as UFS filesystems while some more were used in the ''raw'' form by Oracle ASM. In all cases there was no mirroring or protection at the server level, we had delegated that function to the DMX3500. This decision came back to haunt us this morning. One of the 25k domains panic''d this morning and ended up in the ''endless panic-reboot cycle''. As it turns out our trusted SAN was silently corrupting data due to a bad/flaky FC port in the switch. DMX3500 faithfully wrote the bad data and returned normal ACKs back to the server, thus all our servers reported no storage problems. ZFS was the first one to pick up on the silent corruption this morning. We''re still grateful for ZFS even though it put the server in the ''endless panic-reboot cycle'' that we fixed by following the ZFS FAQ. It''d have been nicer if the bug were not present. Our data grows rapidly and the earlier we know of corruption shorter the rebuild/restore cycle. [b]Note to self, use Raid-Z or Raid-1 using ZFS next time around.[/b] This message posted from