Hello opensolaris-bugs, After some simple stress testing I got on console: [all those strange errors are there - it''s not a problem with email] Nov 1 02:24:36 jumpstart2 scsi: WARNING: /pci at 1,0/pci1022,7458 at 3/pci11ab,11ab at 1/disk at 2,0 (sd16): Nov 1 02:24:36 jumpstart2 Error for Command: read(10) Error Level: Fatal Nov 1 02:24:36 jumpstart2 scsi: Requested Block: 110330658 Error Block: 110330658 Nov 1 02:24:36 jumpstart2 scsi: Vendor: ATA Serial Number: Nov 1 02:24:36 jumpstart2 scsi: Sense Key: No_Additional_Sense Nov 1 02:24:36 jumpstart2 scsi: ASC: 0x0 (no additional sense info), ASCQ: 0x0, FRU: 0x0 Nov 1 02:24:36 jumpstart2 scsi: WARNING: /pci at 1,0/pci1022,7458 at 3/pci11ab,11ab at 1/disk at 5,0 (sd34): Nov 1 02:24:36 jumpstart2 Error for Command: read(10) Error Level: Fatal Nov 1 02:24:36 jumpstart2 scsi: Requested Block: 110325026 Error Block: 110325026 There''s a zpool which is stripe configured so when there''s a problem with underlying disk ZFS can actually panic a system, but that''s what I found on console just below above messages anpiac[ncipcu0[]/cpu2t]h/thrreeada=fffdf=fe80f0f0f4fffdec80800:0 0Ubn3rc8e0c:o Uvnerrecaoblev eMraabchlei peM-acChhieneck-C hExceecpkt iEoxnc cisiyonn ndg ufmiplien sygs tteo m/sd.e.v/.dsk/c5t0d0s0, offset 858718208, content: kernel 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 done (not all i/o completed) panic: entering debugger (continue to reboot) kmdb: target stopped at: kmdbmod`kaif_enter+8: popfq [2]> :c rebooting... p npica[ncipcu[0c]/ptuh2re]a/dt=hfrfeffafde=80f0f0f0bf3fce8800:0 U0n4rfecdocv8e0r:a bUle nMraecchoivnee-rCahebclke EMxacepcthiionn- uphaenicck: eEnxtceerpitngi odne egpgaenri c(:c oentnitneurei ntog rdebeobout)g a( B(0oknmtdibn:u et atroge tr esbtoooppte)d t: kmdbmod`kaif_enter+8: popfq [0]> [0]> :c .reebboooottiinngg..... kmdb: single-step stop on miscellaneous trap kmdb: target stopped at: xc_serv+0xa7: movl %eax,0x610(%r14,%r12,4) [2]> [2]> $<systemdump nopanicdebug: 0 = 0x1 ppaannici[cc[pcup0u]/2t]h/retahdr=efafdff=ffef80f0f0f0eb830c8000:4 Ufndrcec8o0v:er aBbAlDe TMRaAcPhi:n et-yCpheec=ke Ex(c#epptfg oPn edu mfpa ualbtor)t erd:p =pflefafsfe free8co0r0d0 t4hfe7 aabco0v ea dindfro=rm0a toicocurnr!e uirne bmoootdiungl.e. ." apnainci[ccp[uc0p]u/2t]hr/etahd=rfefaffdf=ef80f0f0f0fbe38c8000:0 U4nfrdecco8v0er:a bUlner eMcaocvheinrea-bClhee ckM aEcxcehpitnieh-nC pedcukm pE axbcoerptitoedn: hldeuamspe raebcoorrtde tdh:e apbloevea sienf orremcaotriodn !t oer ebaobootvien g.i.n.f p nipca[ncipcu[0]c/ptuh2r]e/adt=hfrffefafde=8f0f00f0fbf3ce8800:0 0U4nrfedccov8e0r:a bUlner Meaccohivneer-Cahbelcek MExaccehptiinoeC ehdeucmkp a bEoxrcteepd:t ipolena r druemcpo rda btoher taebdo:v e pilnefaosrema trieonc!o ir etbhoeo taibnog.v.e. ppaannici[cc[pcup0u]/2t]h/retahdr=fefafdf=ffef80f0f0f0eb830c8000:4 Ufndrcec8o0v:e rUanbrleec oMavcehrinaeb-lChee cMka cEhxcienpete-oCnh seakum pE xabcoerptteido: np ded urmepc oardb otrhet eadb:o vpe lienafosrem atrieocn!o ir etbhoeo tainbgo.v.e. ppaanniicc[[ccppu0u]2/]th/rtehadr=efaffdf=ffe8f0f0f00fbe38c08000: Un4rfedcco8v0er:a bleU nMraecchoinvee-rChaebclke EMxcaecphtiioCne ehduemcpk a bEoxrtceedp: tpiloena d druemcpo radb othret eadb:o vep lienfaosrema trieocno!r r rtehbeo otaibovneg .i.n.f ppaanniicc[[ccppu0u]2/]th/rtehadr=efafdf=fffef8f0f0f0e08b30c0800:4 fUdnrce8c0ov:e rUanbrleec Moavcehrianbe-Clhee ckM aEcxcheipntiho-nC aedcukm pE axbcoertpetdi: opnl dsde urmepco radb otrhte eadb:ov ep linefaosrem artieocno! i retbhoeot ianbg.o.v.e anpiacn[cipcu[0]c/ptuhr2e]a/d=tfhfrfefafde8=0f0f00fbf3fce8800: 0U0n4refcdocv8e0r:ab lUen rMaecchoivneer-Cahbelcke EMxaccehptiinoCn ehduemcpk a bEoxrtceedp:t ipolena r druemcpo rd atbhoer taebodv:e ipnlfeoramsaeti orne!c erde btoohtei nga.b.o. ppaanniicc[[ccppuu02]]//tthhrearde=affdf=ffffef8f00f0e08b3c08000:4 fUdnc80re:c oBvAeDr aTbRleA PM:ac htiynep-e=8C h(e#cdkf EDxoclt)pltie foan t drupm=pf afbfofrftfefd:f99 9pl8e2f1a0s ea drdecro=r0d rdumhpe aabboovret eidn:f orpmlaetiaosne! berceobroodt itngh.e. . Right now there''s nothing more going on console, sending break does nothing. I forced reset from SP. It looks however as there''s something wrong with HW or snv_49 - after reset without any messages console is just frozen (it worked for a minute or so). ps. of course it''s not a problem with a serial console - after reset console works fine -- Best regards, Robert mailto:rmilkowski at task.gda.pl http://milek.blogspot.com