Lo there all, i have a function that builds a bunch of markers to go on a google map. I would like to update them with rjs. Here is what i have so far. def map_main_layout @zoom = params[:zoom].to_i @zoom = 14 if params[:zoom].nil? @map = GMap.new("map_div") # @map.control_init(:large_map => true, :map_type => true) # (inserts map control) # place the map where we want it ( center and zoom level ) @map.center_zoom_init([@group.group_map_stat.lat.to_f, @group.group_map_stat.long.to_f], @zoom) @map.set_map_type_init(GMapType::G_HYBRID_MAP) @sites = @group.sites @sites.each do |site| # draw the circles site.map_stat.circle_image(@zoom) end @all_markers = make_map_markers(@sites, @zoom) @map.overlay_global_init(GMarkerGroup.new(true, @all_markers), "myGroup") end def make_map_markers(sites, zoom) _all_markers = Hash.new sites.each_with_index do |site, i| # load the circles text = site.map_stat.marker_window_html() # r = site.map_stat.radius.to_i zoomhash = {13 => 0.5, 14 => 1, 15 => 2, 16 => 4} r = (site.map_stat.radius.to_f * zoomhash[@zoom.to_i].to_f).to_i # title tooltip for the image title = "%s %s => %s" % [@group.name, site.site_name, (KeyWord.stat_description(site.status_sensor.last_value)[0])] # create the icon image ( the pivot circle ) icon = GIcon.new(:image => "/images/tmp/#{site.id}.png", :icon_size => GSize.new((r*2),(r*2)), :icon_anchor => GPoint.new(r,r), :info_window_anchor => GPoint.new(r,r)) # place the marker on the map marker = GMarker.new([site.map_stat.lat.to_f , site.map_stat.long.to_f], :title => title, :icon => icon, :info_window => text) _all_markers[i] = marker end return _all_markers end def update_map_markers @zoom = params[:zoom].to_i @zoom = 14 if params[:zoom].nil? @map = Variable.new("map") @all_markers = Variable.new("myGroup") # the actual marker group, not the markers, this is the container @group.sites.each { |site| site.map_stat.circle_image(@zoom)} @site_marks = make_map_markers(@group.sites, @zoom) @marker = GMarker.new([75.89,-42.767],:title => "Update", :info_window => "I have been placed through RJS") end I am using a simple form_remote_tag in the view, and in the rjs file i have page << @map.clear_overlays @site_marks.each {|mark| page << @map.add_overlay(mark)} now, when i execute the button, the markers go away, but are not redrawn. Anybody help me please ? thanks again shawn