Dear All
I already read lots of issues related to DELL machines,
unfortunately for me I do have a dell machine and it''s the only one I
use :)
it''s about a DELL GX280
I have 8 of them.
I''ve tried different combinations of distributions of both Linux and
the most successfull is fedora 4 with kernel-xen (3 I believe) rpm
( 2.6.12-1.1454_FC4xen )
I can boot dom0 and use up to three fedora-based domUs
the only problem is that I need domU running on kernel 2.4
and I couldn''t find any kernel FC4xen 2.4.whatever.
what I''m trying to do now is to have xen running of a debian
and compile the sources of a Xen2.0.7
(I followed the quite interesting tutorial "The Perfect Xen Setup For
And Ubuntu" )
I successfully installed debian, compiled xen and had both dom0 and four domU
(based on Scientific-linux3.0.4) running.
then I tried to do the very same thing for another, identical DELL machine,
and then I got stuck. Apparently none of the other seven identical DELL
machine are working with debian + xen.
I can have debian kernel 2.6.8 running, I compile Xen2.0.7 with both kernel
2.4.30 and 2.6.11. I can boot both dom0 kernels,
but none of them let me boot any domU image (I''ve tried
debian, fedora 2 3 4). When I "xm create -c <config_file>"
system freeze
completely (I need manually reboot).
then I turned off all usb supports (from bios, with nousb and with
ignorebiostables). I even recompiled the Xen kernel 2.6.11 removing USB
support. Nothing changed.
dom0 boot and "xm list" shows me the dom0 running, but no way of
booting any
since I''ve got it running on a very similar node (identical hw except
for an
additional network card); I''m pretty sure there must be a way.
thanks for any suggestion
Sergio :)
Sergio Maffioletti
Grid Group
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
Via Cantonale
CH-6928 Manno
Tel: +41916108218
Fax: +41916108282
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