I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 on my old hard drive.... which crashed with VISTA
& couldn't get back VISTA. A friend gave me the Ubuntu disc & it
works fine. It's on par with Vista. However, before I got Ubuntu I purchased
a new hard drive and an XP PRO installation disc. I'd like to get back to
using XP PRO since this is an old computer & things worked fine with that
system. But, XP Pro doesn't recognise my device drivers & network
connections. I have XFINITY hardwired right into my computer. Ubuntu picks it up
automatically. XP PRO, already installed on the other hard drive, won't
allow me to get online. I'm at my wits ends with the Internet problem. I
thought maybe a windows hotfix KB953979 might resolve that issue, but Ubuntu
won't allow me access to that. Is there a way to get the hotfix already on a
disc so that I can install it right after installing the XP on the other drive?
I need to get the XP connected to the Internet for various reasons. Ubuntu is
my backup, but it doesn't like my camera & printer, etc, etc.... HELP!
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