buxtor wrote:> I am a relatively Noob linux user running Kubuntu. I tried to install Wine
and ran into various install issues(Noob) like not knowing the proper repository
names to install first and may have installed Wine Tricks first and then Wine.
The Wine install issued changes that would be made to other packages, as I
assume it always does, and then gave failed to install error messages each time
> Afterward, some of my program icons, Amarok, Kontac and maybe more,
didn't check them all as there are tons. I have reinstalled these packages
and have use of them but other things are not working i.e. not recognizing
install links for downloaded packages to be installed.
> I have tried Muon, Ubuntu Software Manager and Synaptic to resolve by
uninstalling Wine components but that didn't help.
> Am I missing knowledge for a simple fix to resolve these conflicts or
system errors or are there, as I am afraid of, thousands of variables I am not
providing information for a diagnosis?
Installing Wine should not affect native apps like Amarok or Kontact, and from
what you've said, your attempt to install Wine didn't succeed in the
first place. You need to ask for help on the Ubuntu forum; this appears to be a
package manager issue that goes beyond Wine.