Yesterday I wrote a post asking you all if it could be good to have some kind of paying-for-bugs-system and I just wanted to see if there were any answers, but I can't find my post. Where is it? Why it was deleted?
Could be that the system picked up on the "paying" part and thought it was a spam message, like the forums regularly get. Or a moderator/admin thought it was judging by the thread name and removed it.
On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 18:56, AL3X2 <wineforum-user at> wrote:> Yesterday I wrote a post asking you all if it could be good to have some kind of paying-for-bugs-system and I just wanted to see if there were any answers, but I can't find my post. Where is it? Why it was deleted? >There's a thread like that on wine-devel... Gert
AL3X2 wrote:> Yesterday I wrote a post asking you all if it could be good to have some kind of paying-for-bugs-system and I just wanted to see if there were any answers, but I can't find my post. Where is it? Why it was deleted?Deleted by me. If you want to bring something up, don't send everyone to some other forum to read 2 lines of your message. Put it here. I will be removing all posts like "Hey go here (link) and read my question!"