allright so long story short i switched to ubuntu and heard that you needed wine to use windows things, so i got it and installed it, and i doubt i even did that right.... this whole thing is unbarebly complicated and no matter what i do wow wont install, i tryd opening the installer or what ever with wine and it just sais "error - there is no windows program configured to open this file type" honestly iv been looking at forums and searchign all over the interent for about 6 n omake that 8 hours now and im really getting sick of this, i dont know what im doing and i dont know how to do ANY thing if theres some oen who knows what there doing can you please in detail and in tiny steps tell me what to do.....
blutengel wrote:> allright so long story short i switched to ubuntu and heard that you needed wine to use windows things, so i got it and installed it, and i doubt i even did that right.... this whole thing is unbarebly complicated and no matter what i do wow wont install, i tryd opening the installer or what ever with wine and it just sais "error - there is no windows program configured to open this file type" honestly iv been looking at forums and searchign all over the interent for about 6 n omake that 8 hours now and im really getting sick of this, i dont know what im doing and i dont know how to do ANY thing if theres some oen who knows what there doing can you please in detail and in tiny steps tell me what to do.....First you might consider actually reading what you type and correcting it. It's a tedious and awful task to join all the flips-flaps on your non-structured text. That error is Ubuntu related -- they didn't configure it well. However, and, if you have Wine correctly installed (to check that, open a terminal and type winecfg, tell us what appears). Then, run WoW from a terminal. If you don't know how to do it, check the Ubuntu forums, but it is probably in Applications. After opening a terminal, 'cd' to your cd, usually 'cd /media/cdrom'. Now you are in the game's directory, execute the setup, this should work: wine setup.exe (or whatever is its name). Also, check the AppDB's page AND, once again, try to organize what your write better, it is really horrible to read such a jerky piece of information.
allright i put in the terminal and it just said "command not found" and im not really sure what you mean by runing wow with the terminal or what ever you were saying i dont get it... although thank you for telling me what to do with terminals atleast i can do that now and i have been looking on forums and like i said all over the internet for hours i cant find any thing i understand or any thing that i havnt tryd but you must be right it is probably ubuntu ill try and find stuff on that instead of wine thanks
i think i figured it out its installing now, this sight helped a bit it showed me how to unhide things and every thing was hiding :-D thanks for your help though io just hope this thing will work after its done installing....
When you start wow are you just double clicking on the .exe? If so right click on it instead and choose to run it using 'wine windows program loader' out of the menu.
i cant start wow period im trying to install, and now its working fine now its just with wrath of the lich king it is locked and i dont have permision to do any thing with it, so i cant install it i when tto a nother sight and they said to do this $ sudo mkdir /mnt/lich $ sudo su - # mount -t udf -o ro,unhide,uid=1000 /dev/scd0 /mnt/lich (replace /dev/scd0 with your cdrom) # exit $ cd /mnt/lich $ wine Installer.exe im not sure how to do that or hwo it should look like, im sure i coudl do the rest if i coudl get some help getting past this....
allright so now i got every thing unhidden but all the files are locked and i dont have permision to acces them to copy to install.... SO if some one could help me out with unlocking THEN im sure i can do the rest
Jim Hall wrote:> You're having to do things I've never heard of other Ubuntu users doing.(on this list).Not seeing all files on CD/DVD is a pretty common problem for lots of incorrectly mastered media. Some WoW media is one of those.