my built in mic on my laptop (acer aspire one) stopped working after i had plugged in an external mic(not usb). i can only use the external mic now.
Well did you use a program with Wine? if you did, did it crash? My sound gets stuck with my current problem, even if the program crashes it hangs and I have to kill it in System Monitor. Make sure the program is still not active.
no i didnt use any program with wine.only programs i got in wine is rosetta stone and winetricks
Have you rebooted yet?
yeh of course
the internal mic works on sound recorder when volume input source is set to i-mic and the external works only works when its set to e-mic. so im guessing my rosetta stone is set to e-mic and wont change back to i-mic. but for skype when on sound setting are set to default and e-mic the external works. and when set to default and i-mic it doesnt only like static. the i-mic only works for skype when its on HDA instead of default
charlie090790 wrote:> theres only a master and a psm which are both not muted nor low. where is the mic?Press tab in alsamixer to go to recording sources.
oh i see. so now everything i see has more than half volume except mic boost is mute and i-mic doesnt have any type of volume bar over it.
In alsamixer press tab and look for the mics, if you see an "MM" that means they are muted to unmute them highlight it with your arrow key and press the "M" key. If all your mics working and unmuted then you disabled them some how or something is still using it.