Hello, I'm trying to install The Rosetta Stone v2.08 (language learning software) on a Debian Squeeze (w/ linux 2.6.28-2~snapshot.12850 for my wireless card) using wine 1.1.18. Running the autorun.exe (with ALSA as audio driver in winecfg) starts on working well, asking me what language the install should be in, and then allowing me to click on "Run installer". At that point, however, I get these messages : Code: matth at PCmatthieu:/media/cdrom0$ wine autorun.exe fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on HDA ATI HDMI, disabling mixer fixme:advapi:DecryptFileA "C:\\windows\\temp\\IXP023.TMP\\" 00000000 fixme:font:WineEngRemoveFontResourceEx :stub fixme:winmm:MMDRV_Exit Closing while ll-driver open fixme:winmm:MMDRV_Exit Closing while ll-driver open matth at PCmatthieu:/media/cdrom0$ Running the same exe with OSS as audio driver in winecfg gives : Code: matth at PCmatthieu:/media/cdrom0$ wine autorun.exe fixme:advapi:DecryptFileA "C:\\windows\\temp\\IXP024.TMP\\" 00000000 fixme:font:WineEngRemoveFontResourceEx :stub matth at PCmatthieu:/media/cdrom0$ If I skip the autorun.exe step and just launch Setup.exe, I get this error box :> Error creating process <Command.com /c > C:\windows\temp\IXP025.TMP\w.bat>. Reason: Fichier introuvable(fichier introuvable = impossible to find/lost file) I read on the wineHQ (http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=7544) that using OSS and the padsp command as a wrapper should work, but it doesn't change anything for me. Moreover, using winetricks to install msxml3, flash and IE6 (see http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=15404&iTestingId=37510) has no effects either. For information, I have installed the corefonts from winetricks. Does anyone know what to do with that? :? Thanks, chtit_draco
chtit_draco wrote:> matth at PCmatthieu:/media/cdrom0$ wine autorun.exeTry running setup directly. Most "autoruns" having problems on Wine.
Gert van den Berg wrote:> > chtit_draco: Try copying FreeCOM into your Wine Windows / > windows/command directory: > http://www.freedos.org/cgi-bin/lsm.cgi?mode=lsm&lsm=base/command.lsm > > GertI downloaded command.com from http://www.fdos.org/kernel/#branches, stable branch and put it into ~/.wine/drive_c/windows (putting it into the command directory doesn't work). Running Setup.exe now gives: Code: matth at PCmatthieu:/media/cdrom0$ wine setup.exe fixme:advapi:DecryptFileA "C:\\windows\\temp\\IXP028.TMP\\" 00000000 fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on HDA ATI HDMI, disabling mixer wine: Cannot start DOS application "C:\\windows\\Command.com" because vm86 mode is not supported on this platform. Running the command.com in wine gives the same message: Code: matth at PCmatthieu:~/.wine/drive_c/windows/command$ wine command.com fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on HDA ATI HDMI, disabling mixer wine: Cannot start DOS application "C:\\windows\\command\\command.com" because vm86 mode is not supported on this platform. Maybe this is because I have an AMD64 architecture (Intel Core2Duo)? What baffles me is that several people didn't have any problem installing this version of The Rosetta Stone on wine according to the wineAppDB... :? chtit_draco
Gert van den Berg wrote:> > You could try getting command.com to start wine's cmd.exe. > > Not sure how.... A symlink / hardlink might work (No idea what to link > it to...) or a short script that starts cmd.exe (again, not sure if > this will work..) > [...] > Haven't anyone left a HOWTO? >I tried using a sym link and a hard link to drive_c/windows/system32/cmd.exe, and both don't work. I can't call the cmd.exe using "wine command.com"...it just prints out : Code: matth at PCmatthieu:~/.wine/drive_c/windows$ wine COMMAND.COM wine: could not load L"C:\\windows\\COMMAND.COM": Module introuvable And so this same error message appears when I run the setup.exe file for Rosetta Stone. I guess that's because it's not an .exe and wine checks for extensions before running it? As for any HOWTO about it, I couldn't find any, since people at the wine AppDB either managed to install it without any problem, or can't install it at all... chtit_draco