leronlegion6 <wineforum-user at winehq.org> wrote on Feb
>who cares how much money microsoft spend
Many people do care about how much this company spends. Look at the Courts of
the EU and USA for examples.
>windows sucks
That is YOUR opinion. I happen to have been around BEFORE Windows when being a
computer wiz meant knowing ALL of the command line options to Lotus 1-2-3.
Windows made computers available to just about anyone. Ask most people what
they thing of Linux and they say it is way to hard to use and it is a niche
product that is going nowhere. Thus, companies adopt what is popular and so do
governments. When they move away from Windows, then and only then will we see
an increase in the use of other operating systems and products being produced
for them.
>all they really managed to create was a really buggy operating system.
This is where I LOVE MacOSX because Apple decided to end support of legacy
programs. If Microsoft adopted the same attitude some of the problems would go
away. Unfortunately for them, this would also expose how bad the system is and
people might leave in large numbers. There is a bug in the current Windows
Vista that I found in MS-DOS 3.1. Why? Because of legacy program support that
has to exist in Windows. Drop that, and the bug goes away. The same can be
said for Linux, bugs have existed for a long time. You just have not run into
any of them, yet.
>thats vulnerable to any attack
So is any operating system. Linux has known vulnerabilities, MacOSX has them,
Open and Free BSD has them. Just is they are not popular. Launch an attack
against Windows, and you have 90%+ of the computers at your demand. Launch an
attack against Linux, and you just hit .6% or less. MacOSX is somewhere in
between. Remember, the folks who are doing this are not trying to change your
operating system, just get their names in lights. Sort of why terrorists
'do their thing'.
>all the community wants is for wine to support cross windows apps
And that is the goal of this project. Replicate the Windows 32 API, BUGS AND
ALL. If it's broken in the API, it will be broken in Wine. Why? Because
programs rely on and compensate for Windows brokeness. Sorry, them's the
>i really want it to support many of the windows apps i offenly use and thats
I don't. I want to see the ability of company's to make a financial
decision to support Linux/UNIX. In the meantime, I would like to have the
ability to run some, but not all, Windows programs on my Mac. The goal is to be
able to run the most popular programs on these platforms that will NEVER be
ported to it. I run a particular Bible program, e-Sword, that Mike Meyers
stated will NEVER be produced for the Mac nor Linux. So, I have Wine for that
purpose. Other program producers have stated the intent to support Linux and
the Mac. Do I test them on Wine? No, I'm not going to waste my time doing
Please be aware of the scope of this project and that most of the support is
completely volunteer, that is folks giving of a valuable asset: time. Money
will NOT add to or remove any of that.
James McKenzie