I have asked this before, but has anyone successfully used serial port /dev/ttyS0 under wine? I am trying to run a windows program for controlling an amateur radio - a 'tentec pegasus'. My linux is a debian derivative ... sidux ... and I have installed wine from the sid repositories. The program runs ... and displays a radio dial which looks correct. However, because I cannot access the port, I cannot talk to the radio ... so the dials don't work. The program gives a message that it cannot establish communications with the radio. 1. Is the com1 poprt setup under wine ... actually happening? 2. Is a wine user given permission to open the com1 port. (When I use virtualbox and winXP) I have to be sure that my name is included in the cboxusers group ... and maybe this wine difficulty is a permission thing? 3 Are there some help files or logs which will tell me where the process is going wrong? Using virtualbox and winXP is a bit of overkill for just 1 small program!! Richard -- -- Irena & Richard Jenkins Canberra, AUSTRALIA ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Irena and Richard Jenkins wrote:> > 1. Is the com1 poprt setup under wine ... actually happening? > > 2. Is a wine user given permission to open the com1 port. (When I use > virtualbox and winXP) I have to be sure that my name is included in the > cboxusers group ... and maybe this wine difficulty is a permission thing? > > 3 Are there some help files or logs which will tell me where the process is > going wrong? Using virtualbox and winXP is a bit of overkill for just 1 > small program!! > > Richard >I can't get my serial ports to work, but others have. 1: Wine defaults to using /dev/ttyS0 as com1. To override the defaults, create a symbolic link in the dosdevices directory. e.g., I used ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 ~/.wine/dosdevices/com2 2: Normally, no. You must change the permissions under linux so that the program's user has access to the port. In my case I added my user to the dialup group.
Does ten-tec pegagus let you use telnet? I think serial port access under wine has been flaky in the past, not sure about current version. I use serial port access under wine, using teraterm terminal emulator, It works fine using crossover version of wine, but has problems in version 0.9.41, (communicates but with a lot of errors making it unusable). To get round this I use "ser2net" and access serial ports via tcp ie; in /etc/ser2net.conf 2000:telnet:0: /dev/ttyS0:9600 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT 2001:telnet:0: /dev/ttyS0:19200 8DATTABITS NON 1STOPBIT 2002:telnet:0: /dev/ttyS1:9600 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT 2003:telnet:0: /dev/ttyS1:19200 8DATTABITS NON 1STOPBIT This makes ttyS0 available as localhost:2000 or localhost:2001 depending on which baud rate you want.