Hello, I have compiled the source of wine for the first time but I had not installed any package as flex and I get an error message. This error only showed that you must install the package, but in English and would rather useful for people who compiles for the first time, appeared in their language. You simply could detect the language before starting to compile a file and include constant depending on the language detected. I could translate the entire file wineinstall Spanish. You could make that change (at least in the file wineinstall) to facilitate understanding the user? Thank you
It's true that having error message in one's own language is really helpful but it should also be considered that having the same error message for everybody makes googling errors easier. It also give the possibility to people not knowing your language to understand what the error means and so to give you help. That's why error translation are often reserved to non technical matters that a standard user can solve easily or each error need to have a unique error code and a table where user helpers can find a translation but that adds complexity in bug reporting and reading.
shakaran wrote:> Hello, I have compiled the source of wine for the first time but I had not installed any package as flex and I get an error message. > > This error only showed that you must install the package, but in English and would rather useful for people who compiles for the first time, appeared in their language. > > You simply could detect the language before starting to compile a file and include constant depending on the language detected. > > I could translate the entire file wineinstall Spanish. > > You could make that change (at least in the file wineinstall) to facilitate understanding the user? > > Thank youUsually translation of development related text is lagging way behind or just absent. If you are a developer at a minimum you are expected to know English. Most information available on programming is written in English only. If you are a user who attempting to compile Wine you should consider using precompiled binaries for your distro instead.
shakaran wrote:> I want to help the development of Wine (perhaps now be soon, but when we find out more technical aspects, perhaps I could write a few lines useful).Well the "configure" script is an automatically generated shell script. I don't know of any ways how you can seamlessly translate shell scripts in the first place without making it a nightmare. Let alone the ones automatically generated. So if you really want to translate something - translate Wine itself as Austin pointed you at. Also see the status of translation here: pf128.krakow.sdi.tpnet.pl/wine-transl Of course you can translate readmes and other documentation as well. All that would be much more useful then few "<blah> package missing" translations. That won't take anyone more then 10 seconds to memorize what that means in English.
Well, I begin with Wine as you suggest. Although that seems to translate a single line needs to be done many steps. You have seen the translation system LaunchPad? is fairly simple to use and translations are usually done faster.
Sorry, I must read more the wiki ;) I created a Spanish tranlations wiki.winehq.org/Spanish wiki.winehq.org/Traduciendo