richardrosa wrote:> Greetings all,
> I am running Newsbin Pro under Wine, and it works fairly well.
> However, I cannot read a post. When I try, I get a pop-up "No Viewer
> is Defined for this File Type". Since Newsbin creates a .txt file for
> viewing, I would assume that it needs a text editor/browser to view
> it.
> Could some kind soul tell me how I can define a viewer to be used
> with this program? I assume that this would be a registry entry
> somewhere pointing to something like notepad.exe.
What version of Wine? From where (compiled, installed binaries)?
Well, if Newsbin uses the registry, try running regedit, click on
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.txt (assuming it exists), and see if the default
value is "txtfile".
Then in
there should be:
@="c:\\windows\\system32\\notepad.exe %1"