Am Mi, Jan 05, 2005 at 10:30:02 -0600 schrieb David L.
Smith:> Somehow my .config ended up with zero bytes. The only things I can think of
> happening is looking at it in WineTools, and perhaps failing to install a
> program. Any ideas? The last time it had something in it was yesterday when
> looked at it in WineTools, then this morning it had nothing in it. But I
> don't remember if it was before or after trying to install something. I
> thought that wt was messed up, and had to go somewhere else. How do I get a
> dead config file back (includes the backup, btw) without reinstalling
> something?
> Oh, and I added a bunch of drives in dosdevices. I noticed that the d:
> was flashing red at the time, but do not know what that means.
Depens on how long it happened. Could be your system was doing something
like updatedb.
> 1. What did I do wrong.
There are only three parts where WineTools touches your config: When you
add printcap printers it adds something. When you install IE6 it moves
the actual config away to .wine/config.$$ where $$ is the process id of
the running process. While installing Typograf FontManagement I add
something to it. I never delete it. But for sure if you edit it you
can delete it by setting the contents to zero.
> 2. What do I do now?
cp /usr/local/winetools/ ~/.wine
"Never touch a running system! Never run a touching system?
Never run a touchy system!!!"