Anyone out there who might have an idea about below? The fedora-list was
about as silent rgd. this topic as you guys are, but I truly believe
there must be someone out here who has an idea about a lead? E.g. anyone
who could help interpreting an strace-log?
Desperately yours,
HaJo ;-)
On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 01:30, HaJo Schatz wrote:> Hi List,
> My FC2 Wine installation crashes (without any message displayed) on
> every application which shows the std. file selection dialog (eg File -
> Open) as soon as I change the directory in the dialog or click
"OK" or
> "Cancel". This even happens with the stock "notepad"
that comes with
> Wine. "Winefile" however can browse the file systems correctly,
> crashing.
> I'm running wine-20040914-1fc2winehq.i686.rpm from I tried
> stock install (default config file /etc/wine/config) and let wine create
> and populate my ~/.wine directory. I'm not modifying anything in the
> config, Ie I also run without a local MS copy. I have further tried the
> i386 version and have just tested the wine-20041019-1fc2winehq.i686.rpm
> -- all with the same results. I have created the E:\ and F:\ symlinks,
> doesn't help either.
> When I debug with err+all, I still get no clue. warn+all is a bit too
> much for me though ;-)
> Anyone having an idea on how to fix this?
> Tnx,
> HaJo
HaJo Schatz <>