Jason Byers wrote:> WHY?? was the first question my best friend asked. I am running windows
> terminal services and need to run an application that is not terminal
> services compatible. If I can basically chroot an aplication to its own
> directory then I can run multiple instances. Wine currently will not
> compile. Has anyone experimented with it and had success?
> Thanks
> Jason
Because it's there? At last report I was stalled building
dsound-test.exe. After upgrading my cygwin environment to the latest
and greatest versions of everything, I was able to pass that point, but
I've run into what appears to be an unresolvable incompatibility between
macros provided by cygwin, and those which are part of wine. I've
basically abandoned that direction for lack of time and knowledge. I
also had a brief look at building wine under SFU, but found I had to
find and build too many prerequisite packages. (Anyone want to run bash
under SFU?) Maybe if I have time some day (like when I retire) I'll
pick it up again, but by then, nobody will need windows compatibility
because linux will be the dominant operating system. Right?
Gordon Keehn