Thanks! this will help me to, ;) ive waited for this answer myself..
i just hope when i test it will work.
i hope you all have a nice vacation (as most of us in sweden have right now)
//harald meyer..
> InstallShield doesn't really work under pure Wine (that's the main
> reason one pays for WineX or Crossover Office, as they have paid for a
> license to work with InstallShield installers).
> However, this does not mean all is lost... I have no InstallShield
> problems under Wine, because I backed up C:\Program Files\Common
> Files\InstallShield on my Win98 install before I blew it away. If you
> use Win2K or WinXP, the InstallShield files are in something like
> C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\InstallShield. I
> also have the \dcom98 folder that was contained in C:\Windows\System, so
> I've never had to install that either.
> If you have a license for the same version of Windows that you are
> emulating (I emulate Win98, but other versions are naturally possible),
> and it is still installed, or you can copy the files from another
> machine, then copying the support files from a Windows-installed
> InstallShield to the analagous location in your "fake_windows"
> should get you past the InstallShield errors at least. Getting
> Dreamweaver to work after that is up to you ;-).
> Hope this helps.
> Holly
Harald Meyer. :P
\"Oscar Wilde\"
\"Vi ligger alla i rännstenen, men
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